Welcome to the website of the National Register of the Bulgarian Medical Association!
Here you will find useful and updated information about the practicing physicians in the Republic of Bulgaria. You may look for a certain doctor or check and seek a specialist in the public section of the Register. Also, you may check whether your doctor is a regular member of the Bulgarian Medical Association and has the legal right to practice medicine. Using the members’ entrance, every physician may view his/her personal profile, download an application form, monitor his/her member contributions and participations in forms of CME, etc. Using the contact form, you may make suggestions, recommendations or ask questions.
What is necessary to know about the Register
Any doctor can practice his/her profession in the Republic of Bulgaria provided he/she meets the requirements of the Health Act and his/her name is entered in the National Register of the Bulgarian Medical Association, respectively in the Register of the Regional College for the region of his/her workplace. All the practicing doctors must be members of the Bulgarian Medical Association. Membership of doctors who don’t practice their profession is voluntary.
The National BMA Register is kept in accordance with the Act on the Professional Organizations and complies with the organizational and technical measures for data protection. It has a registration issued by the Committee on Personal Data Protection under № 0051520.
The National BMA Register includes a list of the names of the registered practitioners by regions, their Unique Identification Numbers (UIN) and professional data. In this form, the National Register is publicly available via the formal website of the Bulgarian Medical Association.